From Trash to Treasure - How we're doing better by the planet one salon tool at a time!

mars 07 2024 – Jodie Woods

Australia faces a pressing crisis as an overwhelming 74 million tonnes of waste is generated each year, with over 40% ending up in landfills, including a staggering 84% of all plastic waste. This reality raises a red flag for both our well-being and the planet's sustainability.

Recycling efforts are falling short of their target, leaving a substantial amount of waste unrecycled and stockpiled, sometimes even posing environmental and fire hazards. Australia's ambitious goal of achieving an 80% resource recovery rate by 2030 seems increasingly out of reach.

The waste issue is exacerbated by Australia's reliance on exporting waste overseas, which, coupled with recycling constraints and low demand, results in recyclable materials ultimately being buried in landfills. But there's hope on the horizon.

Innovative solutions, such as the Hello Bleach Bib 2.0 and the Sustainable Hardware Collection, are emerging to tackle this crisis head-on. These sustainable salon tools, made from recycled plastic, help reduce the need for disposable plastics like capes and cling wrap, contributing to a circular economy and cutting down on landfill waste. We have found a valuable end commodity for plastic waste and hairdressers all over the globe are embracing the brand. 

Scientia Professor Veena Sahajwalla and her team at the Centre for Sustainable Materials Research and Technology (SMaRT) at UNSW Sydney are leading the charge on recycling. They're revolutionising waste management by transforming problematic waste materials into new, value-added products. By "mining" overburdened landfills, they're redirecting challenging waste streams away from landfills and back into production.

Recycling isn't just a feel-good practice; it's an energy-efficient, environmentally friendly choice that harnesses the untapped potential of waste. In the world of material science, waste isn't discarded; it's a gateway to new recycled products, breathing life into what was once considered useless.

The movement challenges us all to rethink our approach to waste, actively participate in recycling, and choose products with a purpose. Together, we can reduce the burden on landfills, conserve resources, and make a positive impact on our environment and future. It's time to turn waste into opportunity, ensuring a brighter and more sustainable tomorrow for Australia and the world.

While recycling is widely regarded as a positive step towards sustainability, some argue that it may not be the ultimate answer to addressing environmental issues. We love a good discussion so feel free to leave your comment and contribute to the discussion. We want to hear what you think!


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